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Who could you help by introducing them to a firm like ours?  One that stays in touch the way we do?  One that stays focused on planning and goals during tough markets and one that offers proactive tax strategies in times like these?

As I hope and believe we have proved, our clients’ wants and needs are our number one priority.

We would love to set up a complimentary phone or zoom consultation for any friend or family member that you believe could benefit from working with a firm like ours.  We primarily work with clients who have complex situations that require our assistance.  We help clients who are concerned about taxes or who have other complex needs, such as retiring, selling a business, being widowed among many other complex circumstances.

If this sounds like someone you know and they need help beyond investment management, then please have them contact us today!  They can schedule their complimentary phone or zoom consultation below or then can reach out to our firm directly to schedule.

We are here to be of service in any way we can and look forward to the possibility of helping your friend or family member in this uncertain time.

Click here to schedule a 20-minute complimentary phone or zoom consultation:


Please feel free to have a friend or family member call or email to schedule the phone consultation as well.  Michael can be reached at 215-886-2122 or mike@schwartzfinancial.com 

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